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Ellis HorowitzProfessor of Computer Science & Electrical EngineeringE-mail: horowitz@usc.edu |
Dr. Horowitz has held numerous academic administrative jobs including Associate Chairman of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin. At U.S.C. he was chairman of the Computer Science Department from 1990 to 1999. After completing his term as Computer Science department chairman, Dr. Horowitz was appointed Director of Information Technology and Distance Education in USC's Viterbi School of Engineering. Part of his responsibilities included the Distance Education Network (DEN). As Director he oversaw an operation that offers more than 200 graduate engineering courses per year to more than 1,000 students. Originally courses were delivered by closed circuit satellite broadcast, but under Dr. Horowitz DEN converted their course delivery to Internet webcast.
Dr. Horowitz is the author of ten books and over eighty journal articles and refereed conference proceedings on computer science subjects ranging from data structures, algorithms, and software design to computer science education. He has been a principal investigator on research contracts from NSF, AFOSR, ONR, and DARPA. He is a past associate editor for the journals Communications of the ACM and Transactions on Mathematical Software. He was an IBM Scholar from 1989-1993. His Erdos number is 4
Dr. Horowitz is an active consultant to the legal community, specializing in intellectual property issues. He has participated in several landmark cases including Yahoo v Google, RIAA v Kazaa, and RIAA v LimeWire. He was the founder and CEO of Quality Software Products, a California Corporation, from 1983 - 1993. The company designed and developed UNIX application software that was sold worldwide.
Here is a list of my doctoral students and doctoral ancestors
1. Practical Strategies for Developing Large Software Systems, edited collection, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., March 1975.
2. Fundamentals of Data Structures, Computer Science Press, division of W.H. Freeman, New York, August 1976 (with S. Sahni). Over 250,000 copies sold worldwide. Translated into Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, Korean.
3. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Computer Science Press, division of W.H. Freeman, New York, September 1978 (with S. Sahni). Translated into German.
4. Programming Languages: A Grand Tour, edited collection, Computer Science Press, division of W.H. Freeman, New York, First Edition 1983, Second Edition 1986.
5. Fundamental Concepts of Programming Languages, Computer Science Press, division of W.H. Freeman, New York, 1983.
6. Object Oriented Databases and Applications to CASE, Networks, and VLSI CAD, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990, with R. Gupta.
7. Software Cost Estimation with COCOMOII, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000 (with Boehm, Abts, Brown, Chulani, Clark, Madachy, Reifer and Steece)
Alas, my long time racquetball player and business partner, Larry Flon passed away on January 6, 2016. I continued to play for a few more years, this time with William G. J. Halfond at the USC Lyon Center. But as of 2022 I have officially retired from racquetball as my back has strenuously objected to the twisting.